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Aviator Game Download App APK & iOS

Download the official Aviator game app on your Android or iPhone and place your bets on the plane’s flight from anywhere in India. We have the latest APK version available. Tap the “Download” button to get it for free.

Aviator Game Download

Bonus to the first deposit of 500%

Free App
Fast Download
Available for iOS and Android



Where to Download Aviator?

Apart from our website, you can also download the Aviator game from the website of a trusted online casino where you are currently playing or planning to play. This is a reliable way to access the popular crash game by Spribe on your phone. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to find the app:

aviator download app
Go to the casino website from your mobile device.
Scroll down the page.
Select the Android or iOS gambling app, depending on the operating system of your device.

How to download Aviator game on Android?

Tap to Download: Tap the provided button to download the Aviator APK file directly to your Android device. The download should be quick, as the file is only around 7 MB.

How to install Aviator APK on Android?

  1. Locate the file: After the download is complete, find the APK file in your device’s “Downloads” folder or in the notification bar.
  2. Allow unknown sources (if necessary): If you haven’t already, go to Settings -> Security and privacy -> and activate the “Unknown sources” option. This will allow you to install apps from outside the Google Play Store.
  3. Open the APK: Tap the downloaded APK file to begin installation.
  4. Follow the instructions: Follow the on-screen prompts to install the Aviator app.
aviator apk

How to Download Aviator Game on iPhone (iOS)?

  1. Use Safari: Open the casino website where you want to play Aviator exclusively in Safari. Other browsers won’t work for this.
  2. Find the Share Icon: Locate the “Share” icon (a square with an upward arrow) in the menu at the bottom of the screen and tap it.

How to Install Aviator on iPhone (iOS)?

  1. Add to Home Screen: In the menu that appears after tapping the “Share” icon, select the “Add to Home Screen” option.
  2. Confirm: Tap the “Add” button in the upper right corner to confirm adding the app icon to your home screen.
  3. Play: Now, open the newly added app on your home screen, find Aviator, and start playing for real money!
aviator download ios


Where can I find the latest version of 2024?

You can get the latest 2024 version of the best Aviator game app for Android and iOS by downloading it from our website.

How do I update the app to the latest version?

The Aviator app updates automatically, so you’ll always have the most recent version without needing to do anything.

Can I download Aviator game for free?

Yes, the Aviator app APK is absolutely free for Indian players! If you come across any site asking for money, leave immediately. Remember, a legitimate source will always offer the app for free.

Kalyan Sawhney

About the Author

Kalyan Sawhney

Journalist and gambling expert with 15 years of experience. Worked in 3 casinos: croupier, administrator and SMM-manager. Currently writing for the website Kalyan Sawhney is an avid player of the popular game Aviator. He is also fond of betting on sports and cryptocurrency.